If there are symbolic variables then vpa () the matrix, but that will not convert the symbolic variable to numeric. If your entries are symbolic numbers such as sin (3/84) then if there are no symbolic variables in the matrix then double () the matrix.
The sym function also lets you define a symbolic matrix or vector without having to define its elements in advance. It is not always able to notice identities so it will not always work. Generate Elements While Creating a Matrix. We may write this system in the form $A\vec$. From this example, you can see that using symbolic objects is very similar to using regular MATLAB ® numeric objects. We shall consider the example of the following simple pair of linear equations: Convert symbolic expressions to MATLAB functions that accepts numeric values. This example shows how to use variable-precision arithmetic to investigate the decimal digits of pi using Symbolic Math Toolbox. You could also use vpa even if it doesn't contain a symbolic variable.
SymPy has a Matrix class and associated functions that allow the symbolic solution of systems of linear equations (and, of course, we can obtain numerical answers with subs() and evalf()). Find almost integers, or numbers that are very close to integers, using variable-precision arithmetic in Symbolic Math Toolbox. If it does contain a symbolic variable you can approximate the numeric parts with vpa.